вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

bob tisch

"Be Nice" sermons are stupid. You know what Iapos;m talking about - sermons in which you feel like the priest took the homilistic equivalent of mad lib and substituted religious-sounding words into it.

Not only are they telling you things you already know, they offer absolutely no help in living virtue. In fact, they dilute your idea of virtues, making virtue seem like a bland mess of lukewarm fuzzies. Real sermons need to challenge people to be loving in hard situations, and address the specific challenges of the congregation with regard to loving others. The priest has a powerful tool he can use to know exactly what these challenges are - reconciliation. Not that he needs to be specific, but in knowing overall the sins of the congregation, he can offer useful advice.

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i had come down by negative feedback,i wonder why he bought me many
Macha...but i had some mistaken then i have to accept it.
ebay is very terrible market,its not good for the common person but
good for the seller of backdoor trade.
i wonder good seller had given negative feedback recently,
i think yamaj*ck is good seller and he had sold real Japanese items
but he had given one negative feedback.
and the bad seller of Chinese like sa*ura-zipang,ko*udo_jp have 100
positive feedback.very funny.
scroll of written by strange Japanese,very funny.
i think 80 of items in ebay about Japan are fake Chinese.
but Yahoo auction in Japan has same problem,since yahoo JP have
affiliated with Taiwan and Korea,China.
but we don't like business with overseas...

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I canapos;t quite kick the fatigue, as evidenced by the fact that I almost fell asleep at a bar where a band was playing so loudly that my eardrums almost exploded. Dammit, whatapos;s wrong with me? Iapos;m like an old lady

And I have a test Friday. Boo-urns. (Or "oh waily waily waily," if you wanna go the Discworld route. The Tiffany Aching books are pretty awesome, by the way.)

Hellsing OVA 5 comes out in Japan on Nov. 21st. That is soon.
Mmmmm Alucard...

Itapos;s also
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I can#39;t quite kick the fatigue, as evidenced by the fact that I almost fell asleep at a bar where a band was playing so loudly that my eardrums almost exploded. Dammit, what#39;s wrong with me? I#39;m like an old lady

And I have a test Friday. Boo-urns. (Or "oh waily waily waily," if you wanna go the Discworld route. The Tiffany Aching books are pretty awesome, by the way.)

Hellsing OVA 5 comes out in Japan on Nov. 21st. That is soon.
Mmmmm Alucard...

It#39;s also #39;s birthday today.

Aaaaand... I should be asleep.

beef burgandy receipe.

воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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I am currently a facebook addict.....donapos;t knock it...i actually have 80 plus people on there that know me in some form or fashion....kinda weird for someone who proposes to know no one really.� This has made me kind of warm and fuzzy at times lately. :)

Iapos;m probably going to be Truffles from the cartoon Chowder for Halloween. Thatapos;s the plan for� now.

Chester, our basset hound, had surgery this past week to remove a cyst. Heapos;s doing better. They did some dental stuff and toe nail stuff while they were at it. Heapos;s being picky about his food now but for the most part is doing very well.

Football is a wonderful thing.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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This morning we intended to get up bright and early and go a local book sale, but that didnapos;t happen. We ended up sleeping in, then getting up and going to a local book sale. Pickings were really slim by the time we got there. I blame the dealers, but that is a rant for another time. Despite the slim pickings we did pick up a number of books, nothing that was on our lists, but books all the same. I did find Two and Three in the Evanovich series, which I hoped (while I want to read them Iapos;m not buying them new). I did pick up some classics to fill in our collection (along with yet another copy of Little Women. Why do I always think we donapos;t have it?) especially some good stuff for next years banned books week.

Then we joined the mob at Delicious Orchards. Literally. The place was packed so tight I was thankful we didnapos;t grab a cart or we never would have slipped through the crowds. We gave a lesson on tea for an uninitiated Liptonite who was looking for something different (but like Lipton). He ended up with some Twinings English Breakfast, a good start at least. Then we found some apples (winesap) and a variety of dried fruits to try out (dried kiwi and cantaloupe anyone?). I also found some chow chow at last, though itapos;s PA�Dutch not�Southern�and�missing some ingredients that�I expected. We Shall See. �Lastly, I got a pumpkin.

For fans of Greek Food, I can recommend My Little Fat Greek on Rt 9 S (just�south of �the Perkins in Freehold). Itapos;s a total dive, but wow, the food was good. The chicken gyro was the best Iapos;d ever had, and Neal was very happy with his bait, er, calimari. The only thing I would have liked was if they had brewed Iced tea (snapple doesnapos;t count) and if there was a sampler platter with some of the other dishes (like spanikopita and the greek lasagna).

When we got home we watched some Avatar and put the solar lights together and out in front of the house (theyapos;re�a Japanese�style lantern and came with hook hangers which looks so nice). Soon Iapos;ll be having some leftovers for dinner and will curl up next to Da Hubby on the couch (thatapos;s the life).

Lastly, a book challenge update:

60. Lady and the Vamp by Michelle Rowen. Book three in a�silly paranormal romance series. Iapos;m over the series. I very well may be over the whole genre. What used to be fun fluff is now tired cliche. Capos;est la vie.

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Say, since Iapos;m perpetually out of the loop (over a month behind on my fic-reading again, now), does anyone on my flist know whatapos;s going on with the McShep Awards this year? The website said nominations were tentatively scheduled to open October 10th, but they donapos;t appear to be open yet (unless they have already closed and I missed the whole thing), and I can find no more information on the website or in the LJ comm.

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Today is Housewife day.
Iapos;m scrubbing the bathroom floor and let me tell you; I donapos;t do it often. The main part of the floor isnapos;t bad... Itapos;s behind the toilette that frightens me. Iapos;m pretty sure that Iapos;m going to get some yucky disease from a mixture of chemical and "backyard" bacteria.
Thatapos;s okay, though. I mean, we all die some day. And really? There are probably women out there who do this all the time and live to be quite a bit older than myself.

Also? Iapos;m cooking a roast. Seriously. Meat is being cooked by me. It started out raw and with no flavor packets or instructions. Itapos;s pretty exciting and a little scary.

I should have a housewife icon, only Iapos;m not sure I would use it that often. Maybe this is my housewife icon.

I think I may take a break and drive to the store. Do you need anything?
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