суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

a chromatic scale

Weapos;ve all got our junk, and my junk is you. You were the first one to speak the 3 words, the one to tell me we were worth it, I�was worth it. At the slightest sign of complication you run scared, you couldnt fight for me, because that would require you to care. I was ready to loose it all. Emotional, physical. And you pushed it aside. I canapos;t pretend i dont care. That i dont still feel it. I miss you. I�still want you. Every second of every day. Where are you? With her?�Being the old him, that i despised. Makes you feel good to know ive cried so many tears over you?�Makes you feel like a man to know youapos;ve never been faithful? How about the part where you flirt and flaunt with my bestfriend right in front of me. Does it make you feel good about yourself to know you got the very fucking best of me. All i want is closure. Give it to me. Give me what i want, for once, in the entirety of our "relationship" it was always about you, let this time be about me. Give me the closure. So we can just call this what it is, instead of what it isnt.

connective tissue fascia, a chromatic scale, a chromatic, a chritmas carol, a christopher columbus timeline.

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