воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

educational national standards

I am currently a facebook addict.....donapos;t knock it...i actually have 80 plus people on there that know me in some form or fashion....kinda weird for someone who proposes to know no one really.� This has made me kind of warm and fuzzy at times lately. :)

Iapos;m probably going to be Truffles from the cartoon Chowder for Halloween. Thatapos;s the plan for� now.

Chester, our basset hound, had surgery this past week to remove a cyst. Heapos;s doing better. They did some dental stuff and toe nail stuff while they were at it. Heapos;s being picky about his food now but for the most part is doing very well.

Football is a wonderful thing.

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