среда, 15 октября 2008 г.


I was driving home from work, on my way to vote, and I stopped to let a pedestrian cross the street. Just as he cleared the street, but before I could move forward, someone came off a side street and drove into my car

What a jolt It was a white half-ton truck.� And he smooshed the side rear panel of my pretty, new (less than a year old) Mazda 3.�

We did the insurance exchange thing and he was just a young fella ... Actually, heapos;s one of my clients, which makes me wonder if heapos;s due for a new eye exam.�� (Kinda wondering if his double vision has come back, and what kind of conflict of interest does that present since I�am legally bound not to disclose that??)

He wants a chance to pay for it on his own, so Iapos;ll get an estimate tomorrow and given him a chance.�� Mind you, heapos;ll also have to pay for rental car when mine is being fixed, so ...� But I am sure he is not keen on having his insurance go up next year.� (And yes, I�did tell this to my insurance agent and he has agreed to hold off on filing the claim until this guy can decide if he wants to pay for it or not.)

Amazing - even though I was not hurt, and the car is drivable, etc., I got a bad case of the shakes after.� Must have been a combination of the "what ifs" and the adrenalin rush.� And because I�am a good doobie, I still went to vote before going home�

Sigh. image� Kinda ruined my day, yapos;know?��

And I am a bit worried - it really threw me forward quite hard (thank God I always wear a seat belt), and my neck and shoulders are already a bit achy. Time for some Advil and heating pad to ward that off at the pass...

filmifriikki.fi, filmifriikki, filmiform, filmiest.

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